My opinions and assigned writings on all things literary, done Hammer-style.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 Legit, 2 Legit G-Lit

OR: An introductory blog post in a compilation meant to chronicle the rise of global literature in the 21st century world...but you already knew that.

Hello class. I am Tanner, and I would love to take this time to introduce myself through cyberspace. I've blogged before, but I'm still not very good at it so bear with me. I even put up a feeble attempt to create my own webpage, but despite assurance that I would have a lot of help from a tech savvy friend (you can visit her site here: ) I got about 4 pages into the xml book before I fell asleep and drooled all over it. Sorry DTCers.

It is always tricky to decide how much to share to a group of strangers (for instance, do I or do I not link to my profile), so I figured I'd start this blog by posting about something we all love (or else we wouldn't be in this class): literature.

I have no idea why I love to read. I was not raised in a house of intellectuals, I was fairly good at sports and love the outdoors, I didn't have the best English teachers growing up, basically I wasn't driven to books the way a lot of people are. But even when I was a kid I had an inherent love of language, and I was drawn like a magnet to fantastic stories. Basically, I love it when people make shit up, and are really good at making said shit sound pretty.

So I read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies. Here is a list of the top five books I'm not embarrassed to say I love to a group of fellow judgmental English majors:

Blood Meridian
Cat's Cradle
The Dark Knight Returns
Empire Falls

Oh. I take it back. I am embarrassed. This is a global lit class and all five of those authors are American. Well, to be a little more well-rounded I will share my favorite international book:

White Teeth

I already know I'm going to enjoy this class. The reading list is excellent, and I also get to blog every week about how smart I am because I know how to read.

Looking forward to reading all your blogs,



  1. Yes, you are smart JUST BECAUSE you know how to read. It's true! I laughed out loud at your blog title. And then at your poll. If anyone chooses "Eff this class" I will be pretty mad. But then I'll probably laugh at that too.

  2. I don't really have a profile. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
